ELDERLY PEOPLE ARE not the only people at risk of gum recession, even though that idea is where the expression “long in the tooth” originated. Some people are unlucky enough to be genetically prone to …
Anyone With Kids Should Follow These Teeth Tips
THERE ARE MANY things parents can do to put their kids’ smiles on the right track for a lifetime of good oral health. Here are a few of them: #1: Find them a toothbrush they …
How Do I Choose One of These Toothpastes?
IN THE PHARMACY section of every grocery store, one side of an entire aisle is often dedicated to dozens of toothpaste options. We want to help our patients find the right things to look for …
Thumbsucking Isn’t a Problem — At First
IF A CHILD CONTINUES their finger or thumb-sucking habit past their toddler years, it can negatively affect the growth of their jaws and the position of their teeth. A Healthy Habit for a Baby or …
Health Benefits Come With Smiling More!
OF COURSE WE SMILE when we feel happy, but there’s evidence to show that the link between smiling and happiness might go both ways — the simple act of smiling can make us feel a …
When Can Parents Expect Baby Teeth?
AS PARENTS, EVERY milestone a new baby reaches is incredibly exciting, and sometimes we can get impatient and even start worrying long before we should. To get out in front of that tendency, let’s lay …
Top Pediatric Dentistry in Morristown | Children’s Dental Care | Rangel Dental
Ultimate #1 Guide to Children’s Dental Care: Tips from Your Morristown Dentist Pediatric Dentistry | Rangel Dental in Morristown Taking care of your child’s dental health is crucial for their well-being. At Rangel Dental, our …
Swimmers and Divers, Watch Those Teeth!
ANYONE WHO SWIMS or scuba dives frequently could encounter some unique dental issues if they aren’t careful. Let’s take a closer look at the big ones. Chlorine’s Effect on Teeth The longer teeth are exposed …
Parents Can Help Make the First Dental Visit Great
DENTAL ANXIETY KEEPS millions of people from seeking dental treatment every year, and it affects kids too. Parents can help their kids develop a positive mindset about the dentist by following a few simple tips: …
5 Cues It’s Time to See the Dentist
GUM DISEASE, TOOTH DECAY, and other oral health problems don’t set in overnight. That’s why it’s so important to have regular checkups and to be diligent with daily oral hygiene habits. If it’s been a …